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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. I’d rather that the Toronto Star hire a competent columnist to replace Catherine Porter — ageism, sexism, shallowness and trying to be trendy do not a columnist make… Oh wait, maybe they do.

  2. @Mark Dowling
    What have you got against Toronto having a poet laurete?

  3. Specifically very little but it occurs to me that these days you can’t get the city to pay for something without cutting something, and the PL will matter to 2m people. I realise 10k isn’t a lot to fuel such thinking on, but I didn’t have anything else to hand.

  4. shouldn’t have used greater than / less than symbols in a html enabled box…

    the PL will matter to less than 100ppl and mez’s ideas could matter to 2m ppl is what that should have read…