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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Vote for Giambrone, if you want to send the message that your public representatives need not hold managers accountable for poor performance.

  2. Andrew, wouldn’t that sentiment apply equally to George ‘eHealth’ Smitherman?

  3. Have to agree with Paul regarding Slitherman’s potshot against Councillor Giambrone as a ‘pot calling the kettle black’ moment. Of course, that’s not saying anything positive about either of these two guys… both are responsible for significant failure to provide appropriate oversight (of the TTC and e-Health respectively).

    Two stories missed in today’s lineup:

  4. The historic railcars mentioned in the Star piece can be seen in Bing Maps. Hopefully they are still in fixable shape to be used on an operational historic railway such as the Credit Valley Explorer or the York-Durham Heritage Railway rather than static display in Halton or at the downtown Roundhouse.

  5. I couldn’t find the poll company Ford used online. Isn’t he a little too cheap to pay $5k for 500 phone calls to be told what you want to hear?

  6. I know that a lot of people are flabbergasted that there’s a poll out there showing Ford in 3rd place in the race for mayor… but the truly amazing part is that the polling sample apparently consisted of members of his own family.