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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. The piece by Greg Gormick in the Star on LRT has to be one of the most intelligent articles yet seen in that paper. And it actually mentioned the outside world! Bravo.

    For a nice slideshow to accompany the article, check out this link that was buried in one of the Brampton LRT sites that Spacing looked at last week:

  2. Had to laugh at Fiorito’s article today, whining about parking fines in High Park. It was a gridlocked, exhausted choked mess on Sunday and he seems to want to encourage more of that by getting rid of parking fines for cherry blossoms.

    As if High Park is some long lost destination completely inaccessible to anybody but the brave BMW owner.

  3. Re: Public works committee approves first bike lanes with barriers

    Are there any other CAA members who can remember ever being asked our opinions about road sharing projects? I got my membership for the roadside assistance. How did I wind up paying people to lobby against some of my core issues?

    If anybody else finds this offensive, why not use the CAA’s own “Community Action” page to lobby Ontario’s mayors to improve congestion … by offering more transportation choices!