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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Watch This Space book launch this Sunday

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WHAT: Watch This Space book launch
WHEN: Sunday April 25, 2-5pm
WHERE: Wychwood Barns, Theatre Direct (76 Wychwood Avenue)
HOW MUCH: free
INFO: Facebook and Kids Can Press

The editors of Spacing wish they had this book growing up!

This Sunday, you can pick up a copy of Watch This Space, a hardcover book targeted at kids between the ages of 10-14. The book, penned by Hadley Dyer, acts as a guide to help kids understand the need for public spaces and how they can help improve and take ownership of a city’s public realm. It also underscores the ins and outs of sharing and designing public spaces and the issues surrounding teenagers in public spaces. Watch This Space has advice from a few Spacing editors and contributors and is illustrated by long-time contributor Marc Ngui (illustrator of Spacing’s recent cover).

To launch the book, Kids Can Press is having a street art chalk drawing contest for the 8-to-14 set. As well, I’ll be hosting a lively town hall-style discussion with Dyer, Ngui, City Councilor Joe Mihevc, and school board trustee Josh Matlow.

This is A Small Print event co-presented with Kids Can Press, Spacing Magazine, and Theatre Direct.


One comment

  1. This is a fabulous book, beautifully designed, and not just for kids. I used it to help engage and plan a student-led Jane’s Walk (which also features chalk art!) at my school for next weekend.

    For other good titles on similar theme try Genius of Common Sense or Creating Better Cities with Children and Youth.