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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

TTC wants you to meet your new ride

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Starting in 2013, Toronto transit riders will be gliding along on new, low-floor streetcars. And the Toronto Transit Commission is now asking for “Toronto residents and transit enthusiasts to learn about and get involved in designing its new fleet.”

The TTC today announced the launch of its LRV consultation program. A design panel, consisting of leaders in industrial and interior design, arts, public transit and city building, will also be involved in the process.

According to the TTC, in 2007, over 10,000 people were asked for, and offered advice about, what they wanted to see in a new streetcar. On the TTC’s new micro-site for the LRVs — — you can watch a short video, share your design ideas and help to suggest a name for your new ride.



  1. It would be great if the TTC first learned the difference between “heard” and “listened”. Thanks for hearing us. Now why don’t you actually start listening?


    I didn’t like the image that was shown before of grey streetcars with a red line on them.

    Toronto’s red streetcars iconic. We need colour in this city. No more GRAY!

  3. I was also concerned that our iconic streetcars were going to a generic grey or silver with red stripe. They really help to distinguish Toronto and make our city unique so the design should not be completely off-the-shelf now that so many cities are working on restoring streetcar lines.

    No to mention the fact that there’s so much grey in contemporary architecture and public spaces.

  4. Also, the TTC better not be wasting our time when they discover that the fantastic design features that people want cost a little more and compromise the project, with the design panel resigning.

  5. Having lived in Montreal, I am struck by how corny and awkward the typography, graphic design, and copywriting of the TTC – and Toronto government in general – is. Lame and amateurish.

  6. Are the new cars actually funded? Is there a signed agreement to purchase the cars? Is there a legally enforceable agreement between the Province and the City specifying the Province’s contribution, or are we just supposed to take McGuinty’s word on it? Can a new council headed by (God forbid) Rocco Rossi or Rob Ford cancel the program?

    Because, let’s face facts: transit announcements mean nothing in Toronto.

  7. Yes, there is a signed agreement. This order was placed to replace the current fleet of streetcars. The funds from the Feds is the sticking point on the Transit City order.

  8. Welllll. Some of the new streetcars could be painted with similar graphics and TTC crest as once used on the old PCC cars along with the red paint with a cream stripe above the windows??

    Hope the new cars come equipped with bells.

    Thank You.