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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing back issue sale is… back (with a previously sold-out issue)!


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What: Spacing back issue sale
Tuesday Dec 7, Wednesday Dec 8, Friday Dec 10, 12pm-5pm
CSI Annex, 720 Bathurst St (at Lennox, one block south of Bloor)

We’ve received a lot of emails from our readers who couldn’t make it to the back issue sale we had at the end of November, so now that we are settling in to our new office space, we decided to bring back the sale this week.

So for today (Tuesday), tomorrow, and Friday, if you come by our new office at 720 Bathurst St (one block south of Bloor) you can pick up our back issues for the low price of $3 or 2/$5 (that’s 66% off!). We also have unearthed a box of our previously sold-out environmental issue. Stock on it is very low and once they are gone, they are gone for good!

We will also have our subway buttons/magnets and t-shirts for sale. Tuesday and Wednesday is also the very very last days to get in a gift subscription for a friend or family member before the holidays.

Some come to the new CSI Annex location (beside the Bathurst Street Theatre), and go to the second floor (it’s half a flight up and says CSI on the door), go through the glass doors and look for all those old issues of Spacing.
