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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Satellite: Zigazig ha

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Think you recognize where this shifty Toronto building can be found?

Ready to see if your aerial instincts skewed in the right direction?
Just like the shape of this building, guesses seemed to go all over the place, ending up with York Fairbank Centre for Seniors and Humber College tied as the most popular locations guessed. Ultimately, Humber College was the correct guess – the building is a student residence on their North campus.

Images from Google Maps.

The building’s GTA doppelganger lies in Mississauga, at the corner of Dundas West and Woodchester Drive. JW has also contributed links to some other similarly zigzagged lookalikes in the comments.

Thanks for all of the guesses, and stay tuned for another Spacing Satellite poll next week!



  1. Great additions to the zig zag collection, JW.
    To narrow your search, I’ll say that the second image hails from West in the GTA…

  2. It’s not uncommon for the Modernist era. Back then, the towers-in-the-park design could have gone downtown or on suburban greenfields.