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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Satellite: On Track

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Do you recognize this TTC subway yard?

Ready to see if your aerial instincts had you headed in the right direction?

True to the popular vote, the railyard shown is indeed the Vincent Subway Yards, also known as the Keele Yard and found between Dundas and Keele stations. For those interested in some background on the rail yard, Transit Toronto offers an excellent profile. Thanks for all of the guesses, and stay tuned for another Spacing Satellite poll next week!



  1. I’m not all that familiar with the various yards, but I do know that the Greenwood and Davisville yards are aligned north-south. The Google watermarks on the page tell us that the image wasn’t flipped or rotated to trick us, which means that the road and tracks pictured are east-west. Meaning it can only be Vincent.

  2. That’s funny, earlier I saw that picture and thought “duh, that’s dundas west station”. Then I saw the three options, none of which was “dundas west station”, so I didn’t vote.

    Today I learned that the extra tracks between Dundas W and Keele have a name. 🙂