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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SPACING SPEAKS: an event to discuss the new issue


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WHAT: Spacing Speaks, a casual lecture series
WHEN: Thursday March 3 2011, 7pm
WHERE: Fort York (in the Blue Barracks), 250 Fort York Blvd.
COST: $5
WEB: you can RSVP or invite friends on Facebook

Spacing Speaks at Fork York launches on Thursday, March 3rd as a new quarterly discussion forum for residents to talk and learn about Toronto at the site of the city’s birthplace – Fort York National Historic Site.

The first Spacing Speaks at Fork York event on March 3 will explore themes from the Spacing winter 2011 issue. The following contributors to the new issue will discuss their work:

Peter MacCallum: Toronto-based industrial architecture photographer discusses his photo essay “The Tannery”
Cindy Blazevic: Toronto-based visual artist who captured images of Igor Kenk’s bike bunker before his subsequent arrest
Rick/Simon: Toronto artist discusses the isolating life on the island in the winter
• moderated by Shawn Micallef, Spacing Senior Editor 

These quarterly gatherings will be a fun way for people to explore and talk about the themes in each issue of Spacing Magazine in a setting that’s partially a salon, partially a charrette, but mostly a place where ideas can be discussed and solutions proposed in a convivial, chatty atmosphere with refreshments.

These events will feature either Spacing writers or others involved in the latest magazine issue’s theme. After a short discussion a question will be proposed and those in attendance will break out into smaller groups, draft a quick proposal, and report back to the room. Conclusions and proposals will documented and posted on the Spacing Toronto blog at for further discussion.

photo by Miles Storey


One comment

  1. Spacing just raised the bar for all writers, journalists, broadcasters, etc..

    The format that you suggests for today’s event, is a format that I have been talking about in the last 2 years, every opportunity I had, I talked and wrote about the importance of SOCIAL INTERACTION EXPERIENCES with the people behind the camara, behind the radio waves, behind newspapers, magazines, etc.. giving the opportunity to ask questions, give suggestions, etc.. everything you are doing is like my talk has finally taken life of it own, now finally becomes a REALITY, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

    I hope to be able to buy the Fall and Winter magazines tonight, just in case you have them available for purchase…
    I hope that i can ask you some questions related to Tower Renewal, and your suggestions. Are you aware that NFB is already into it? THANK YOU AGAIN FOR GIVING US THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN and Share in a more Friendly and Fun environment……..
    BIANCA…Independent Civic and Social Professional