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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Yay. I grew up shopping for my birthday presents and clothing from The Bay that was in the north end of the mall. My mom would take me there and I remember liking getting lost in the clothing racks, playing hide and seek with my brother, when you were small enough to walk right into the racks of coats and pants.

    But the reason I knew this was cloverdale was because it used to be one of those malls that was open in the middle, just a covered outdoor walkway between two strips of stores. In the 80’s I think they covered it over making it a proper ‘indoor’ mall that was all the rage then – and of course Sherway Mall down the road was mowing their grass big time.

    You can see where the skylights are where walkway is/was – it’s funny how they’re kind of going back to that style of mall now with places like the Shops of Don Mills being more outdoor than indoor, the pseudo village mainstreet feel. thanks for the memories.

  2. Does it matter? The malls look exactly the same, and have identical goods made by indentured workers across an ocean.

  3. Glad to get you reminiscing, Jane. Thanks for sharing some background on the mall and your experiences with it!

    And indeed, Mr. S – the ubiquity of malls is one of the things that a satellite view reveals especially well, as shown by the many who mistook this for Dufferin Mall.

  4. The scene resembles the Dufferin Mall… if the Dufferin Mall was turned on a counter-clockwise 45 degree angle. I almost picked Dufferin until I noticed that the shadows looked unlikely for a midday photo.

  5. I really enjoy these, though I’m embarrassed at how poorly I always do. Keep ’em coming!