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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Saturday: South Beach, Citizen Adivisory and Reclaiming Streets

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Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region.

The Dome of the Library Parliament

Spacing Montreal was on a roll this week presenting visions for taking the city back from the car. First off, Julien Cayer covered news of plans to remove lanes of traffic and parking in the East Plateau to create additional green space and cycling infrastructure.

Spacing also presented some fantastic imaginative artwork by Victor Lucuratolo showcasing idealistic visions of creative ways that Montreal could re-use the space currently devoted to automobiles.

While no one is going to dispute that South Beach in Miami, Florida is a nice place, Erin O’Connell points out the intricacies of the planning along the South Beach strip that make it such an attractive and progressive pedestrian environment.

Is Ottawa a city of domes? Mike Steinhauer shares the results of his search into the detail of the city’s architecture to show some remarkable domed buildings around the city today, as well some fascinating details about buildings that have since been lost.

Every city has a stock of beautiful houses that inspire the imagination of passer by. Lauren Phillips tells the story of how one such home, the 1816 Acadian Cottage, in Halifax was opened up for a special event by Dalhousie Art Gallery.

With Plan SJ, the new Growth Plan for Saint John, recently having been unanimously endorsed by council Abad Khan profiles efforts to take the plan into practical implementation.

Sean Marshall examines Yonge Street’s claim to be the longest street in the world; examining how this legend got started, what it means, how its been recognized and whether or not it stands to any kind of scrutiny.

Dylan Reid brings an update on the news this week that Toronto could be scrapping its Citizen Advisory Boards. The discussion, brought on by a staff report serves  as a chance to assess the effectiveness, role and value of the boards.

Photograph by Calien VIII
