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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Wednesday’s headlines

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• TTC looking at renaming stations [The Star]
• Next stop: ‘Spadina-McDonald’s’ station? [Globe & Mail]
• Fords support selling naming rights for TTC stations [National Post]
• TTC won’t mail out July Metropasses [The Star]
• Chris Selley: McGuinty’s GO train refund vow going nowhere [National Post]
• Refunds for late GO trains might speed things up, McGuinty says [The Star]
• On time or money back [The Sun]

• Mayor Ford’s missing expenses [Globe & Mail]
• Six Sigma comes to city hall [Globe & Mail]
• Former Mayor David Miller to join NYU faculty [Globe & Mail]
• Disputed North Toronto dog park to disappear [The Star]
• Council approves ‘whistle blower protection policy’ [National Post]

• Recently renovated piece of Toronto history a good buy [Globe & Mail]
• City taking over Casa Loma [National Post]
• Ford ‘furious’ over arena bailout [The Sun]

• Canada Post locks out workers nationwide [The Star]
• New TCHC board heavier on corporate experience [The Star]
• Party goes on as courts asked to decide Caribana control dispute [The Star]
• The Fixer: Cyclists can’t ride the TTC rails [The Star]
• Living on the edge [The Sun]


  1. I saw the many headlines re: Miller getting an academic post at NYU-Poly and was surprised by the vitriol in the comment sections. Such commentary really reflects badly on Torontonians as anti-intellectual, anti-American and just plain ignorant. Looks like Ford will have a long reign…

  2. I think it reflects on Comment Sections as being Anti-Intellectual.

    (not this comment section, of course!)

  3. Selling the naming rights to the Mastercard Centre for Hockey Excellence worked really well, didn’t it?

  4. The ONLY way I could see station naming rights working is if the business(es) sponsoring the name are established in the vicinity of said station. Dundas Square station could work, or even renaming Pape or Chester to Greektown.

    Any stop renaming should also represent a place with enough general accessibility and desirability to access it. So naming Sheppard-Yonge to Proctor-Gamble would not fly.

  5. Regarding selling Casa Loma, I’d rather hope a deal would be set up to sell it to the Federal Government as a residence for the GG. It’s just odd our head of state doesn’t have a home in the country’s largest city. And Casa Loma fits the bill nicely as a very prominent building (architecture, geography, history). It’d be a great triplet for the Citadel and Rideau Hall, and be a sensible replacement for Elmsley House.

    Anyway, it’d be a better fate for it than ending up as a facade for condos, and lost to the public entirely.

    Here’s hoping Ford can cash in some favours owed to him by the Tories for the public good.


  6. Haven’t bothered looking at the comments in these stories about Miller and his new posting but am wondering why negative comments about Miller indicate commentators are “anti-intellectual”. Miller may have had a strong vision for the city in some areas… But his implementation was well below par what would be expected from a capable politician. That said, I think he will make a good contribution in this new role.

  7. Shawn, there’s also “legitimate praise” and there’s “fawning over”… a distinction that’s also often lost on many who comment about Mayor Miller.

  8. I was going to say that the musings of Councillor from Ward 2 is at the level of a newspaper comment section, but curiously they are treated by the media as if they are the policy of the City of Toronto.

  9. One person’s “nitpicking” is another person’s “serious flaw”