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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Friday’s headlines

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• Request for compliance audit grows at City Hall [The Sun]
• City hall bombarded with requests for campaign expense audits [Globe & Mail]

• Fiorito: Let’s show the TTC a little tenderness [The Star]
• Five things we learned about the TTC [National Post]
• World’s best ideas sought to tackle gridlock, transit issues [The Star]
• Work started on Eglinton crosstown line [The Sun]
• Stintz says TTC needs to build public’s trust [The Sun]

• City hall moves to tear up Jarvis Street bike lanes [Globe & Mail]
• UPDATED: Public Works committee votes to close Jarvis bike lane [National Post]
• Scarborough bike lanes a step closer to vanishing [The Sun]
• Finally – A bike plan that helps cyclists [The Sun]

• Ford sticks to decision not to attend Pride parade [Globe & Mail]
• Why won’t Rob Ford go to gay events? [The Star]
• Joe O’Connor: Rob Ford should be at Pride. It’s his job. [National Post]
• Barbara Kay: Rob Ford’s sin against the catechism of gender correctness [National Post]
• What Rob Ford’s attendance at Gay Pride would bring [Globe & Mail]
• Ford won’t back down over skipping Pride parade [The Star]
• Ford takes no pride in Toronto’s gay community [The Star]

• A closer look at G20 aftermath [National Post]
• Toronto police were overwhelmed at G20, review reveals [Globe & Mail]
• Chief Bill Blair admits police were unprepared, made mistakes at G20 [The Star]
• Woman who blew bubbles at Officer Bubbles sues police [The Star]
• Police sued over hellish 11-hour G20 arrest ordeal [The Star]
• Accused G20 ringleaders challenge bail conditions [The Star]
• Christie Blatchford: Police overwhelmed by ‘scope and intensity’ of G20, report says [National Post]
• Police behaviour at G20 decried at inquiry [National Post]
• SIU opens G20 inquiry probe for a third time [National Post]
• Timeline: Kettling confusion [The Star]
• Blair admits G20 mistakes [The Sun]

• The Fixer: Logs jam Keating Channel paddlers [The Star]

One comment

  1. The minute I spent finding out one of the links (“Finally, a bike plan that helps cyclists”) was another useless piece of trash by Sue-Ann Levy was a minute I’ll never get back.