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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s headlines

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• Toronto councillor vows to cut Pride funding – at all costs [Globe & Mail]
• Withhold Pride funding over anti-Israel slogans: Mammoliti [National Post]
• Pride funding in jeopardy after Mammoliti video gets rise from City [The Star]
• Mammoliti ‘covering’ for missing mayor: Pride [The Sun]
• Doug Ford says Pride may be handled differently in future [Globe & Mail]
• James: Toronto elected a mayor, not a priest [The Star]

• TTC makes ‘dumbest decision ever,’ former head warns [Globe & Mail]
• Bathurst TTC station 3rd most romantic in country: Craigslist [The Star]
• What will $100,000 get you in Toronto? A parking spot [The Star]
• Toronto’s Greece-like spending [The Sun]

• Toronto eyes bold makeover on busy Yonge Street corridor [Globe & Mail]
• Burlington paying up to finally finish jinxed pier project [The Star]

• Making space for youth [The Star]
• No charges as SIU closes case a second time [The Star]


  1. Impressive that Wong-Tam gets it, understands that you have to watch and learn from other cities and implement their best practices in terms of streetscape and urban form. She is clearly a smart cookie.

    I’ll call it now – Wong-Tam for Mayor.

  2. This hole Palesine-Pride thing seems way overblown. There was a specific group that was asked to be excluded from the parade, and they were; nobody identified with that organization was seen promoting its message. A -similar- message then is promoted by a group not organized for that specific purpose, just free citizens wishing to exercise their right to free and open speech. That the venue for that speech is city-funded should have absolutely nothing to do with those citizens’ choice to promote their message.

  3. Seems like former TTC general manager Dave Gunn was a lot less than impressed with the former Mayor’s Transit City plan.

  4. Seems like Dave Gunn is pretty full of himself.

  5. Does it? I read the article, and Gunn appears to be grandstanding. I don’t think it’s particularly intellectual to come back to something that you left 10 years ago and no longer fully understand, and immediately dismiss it all as ‘idiocy’.

  6. Gunn does seem to be doing some grandstanding… but a lot of what he says seems to be quite legitimate criticisms.