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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Wednesday’s headlines

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• Rob Ford buys out Toronto [Globe & Mail]
• City offers to buyout 17,000 employees [The Star]
• City launches buyout program to trim workforce [National Post]
• Ford not ruling out layoffs if buyout insufficient [Globe & Mail]
• Layoffs loom for police and city staff [The Star]
• Layoffs not off the table: Ford [National Post]
• Turns out it’s not all gravy [Globe & Mail]
• Posted Toronto Political Panel: The quest for gravy, part one [National Post]
• City savings carry a price, says new consultant’s report [The Star]
• Rob Ford puts Mammoliti at head of 3 new task forces [Globe & Mail]
• Ford announces three surprise taskforces; puts Mammoliti in charge [National Post]
• Mammoliti picked to chair three task forces [The Sun]
• Mayor Ford votes against all community grants [The Star]
• Council cracks down on graffiti [National Post]
• Comment: Ford’s campaign mantra runs out of gas [National Post]

• Battle over Jarvis bike lane rages on [The Star]
• Jarvis bike lanes could be scrapped Wednesday [The Sun]
• Peter Kuitenbrouwer: Council to decide on fate of Jarvis bike lanes [National Post]
• Province blames Ford, cities for gridlock problems [Globe & Mail]

• Environmentalists question wisdom of locating Pickering airport near park [Globe & Mail]
• Paving farmland for Pickering airport ‘a crime against humanity’: resident [The Star]
• Politicians at odds on reviving Pickering airport plan [The Star]

• Rod Ford promises to attend Carribebean Carnival [The Star]

One comment

  1. The Jarvis bike lanes are dead. Council voted to remove. I blame the Cyclist Union who went behind closed doors to pressure the Executive Committee to have them added as part of the EA preferred alternative. This took place outside of the public process, where those who attended wanted widened sidewalks and improved pedestrian and civic amenities. I support increasing cycling infrastructure throughout the entire city but I don’t feel bad for cyclists on this one. Jarvis is a flash point and went political, and now we’ve all lost. No new Jarvis, same old traffic problem, and lots of money out of pocket with no improvements at all. Time to disband the Cyclists Union. You do more harm than good.