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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Monday’s headlines

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• Ford’s financial numbers don’t add up [Globe & Mail]
• Pet licences, business permits next in City Hall cost-cutting line [Globe & Mail]
• City budget gap exaggerated, critics say [The Star]
• James: We may not recognize post-Rob Ford Toronto [The Star]
• City Hall Diary: Councillors need to stop relishing revenge [The Star]
• Fiorito: The first wealth is health? Tell it to the mayor [The Star]
• Activist claims Doug Ford bullied him [The Star]
• City’s nursing homes may be hard to get rid of [The Star]
• ‘We’re in a war with the fire department’ [National Post]
• McGuinty Liberals campaigning against Ford [The Sun

• How Mississauga’s waterfront got ahead: by learning from Toronto’s mistakes [Globe & Mail]
• Island tunnel threatens Depression-era mayor’s proudest moment [The Star]

• Seats finally filling up Oakville Transit [The Star]
• Tour de Ford: Can you bike through the city using only pre-existing park routes? [National Post]

• Toronto’s Underground Market to bring gourmet ‘street food’ to the masses [Globe & Mail]
• Don River’s gritty past stands it in good stead [Globe & Mail]
• Skaters get a place to play in Etobicoke [The Star]
• Horsing around in the city [The Star]
• A magical night tour of Toronto to delight visitors [The Star]


  1. I don’t like the term “gravy”… but whatever you want to call it, there seems to be a lot of it at Toronto’s Fire Services. Why has this situation been allowed to continue for as long as it has?