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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s headlines

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• No revenue? No problem. Right, Mayor Ford? [Globe & Mail]
• Hume: Ford’s way sending Toronto on a downward spiral [The Star]
• Report stresses efficiencies that could save city millions [National Post]
• Cost-cutting showdown set for fall [Globe & Mail]
• Lay budget cuts on table, Ford foes urge [The Star]
• Public Works committee sends full list of possible cuts to executive [National Post]
• Public words budget cuts shuffled to higher power [The Sun]
• Council committee rejects attempts to seek reviews of campaign expenses [Globe & Mail]
• Campaign finance complaints dismissed [The Star]
• Scrap animal licensing program, report suggests [National Post]
• User fees needed if council won’t cut [The Sun]

• Toronto does a U-turn on Belmont’s left-turn ban [Globe & Mail]
• TTC union goes wild [The Sun]

• Decision on third area code in T.O. expected soon [The Sun]
• SIU closes Adam Nobody investigation [The Star]
• 200 Wellesley fire lawsuit gets green light [The Star]

One comment

  1. Let me ask this one question: If Miller, or any left-of-centre mayor, were faced with a very tight budget and had a report in front of Parker, Shiner, and Grimes that included cutting windrow clearing or the elimination of water flouridation, would any of those Councillors have referred that decision to the Executive committee? Wouldn’t we have gotten three consecutive “the people in my ward don’t want this” speech? How can these three Councillors go back to their home-owning constituents and say they are seriously considering eliminating these things?

    Do the righties on council really think there’s this enormous everlasting Ford umbrella that will protect them for all future elections? The mind boggles.