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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

EVENT: Alexandra Park Mural Launch

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This weekend, five young artists from Alexandra Park will celebrate the launch of their 50 foot mural. The launch marks the culmination of a five week mentorship program for local youth with artists from ArtStarts and Whippersnapper Gallery. Throughout the summer, the group has used recycled and waste materials to create shrines, green walls and other installations in public space around the Alexandra Park area. This project is funded through The City of Toronto Graffiti Transformation Project and well worth checking out.

WHAT: Art Starts 2011 Alexandra Park Mural Launch

A free outdoor party featuring a BBQ, refreshments, and ribbon cutting ceremony.

WHEN: Sunday, August 28th, 4-6pm

WHERE: 77 Grange (just west of Spadina) Toronto

For more information, see the Facebook event
