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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Event: A discussion on the value of public spaces Thursday Sept 22

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The intrinsic value of public space will come as no surprise to Spacing readers, but the last few weeks when Torontonians rose up to, well, defend public spaces, has been a grassroots reminder of that value. Tomorrow (Thursday) Yonge Street (the publication that, until recently, I was the founding managing editor of) is holding the first event in an ongoing speakers series. Our own Matthew Blackett is on this panel.

WHAT: Yonge Street Speakers Series

WHERE: Birkbeck Room at The Ontario Heritage Centre (10 Adelaide St. E. just east of Yonge Street)

WHEN: Thursday, September 22 — Doors at 6pm; program starts at 6:30pm FREE

With city officials in the midst of reviewing all of its services and programs, Yonge Street‘s first-ever public event comes at a crucial time in Toronto’s history. Our inaugural panel, on the evening Sep. 22, will focus on the importance of public space in our city. Everyone is welcome.
What do we value in Toronto, especially in our parks, squares, streets, beaches, boardwalks, transit facilities and myriad other public spaces?
How do these spaces make Toronto a great place to live and work in? How does the use of public space factor into our lives? How do we continue to keep public space relevant to Torontonians? What are the biggest challenges to the health of our public spaces? The biggest opportunities?

Those questions and others will be part of the discussion, moderated by Yonge Street‘s new managing editor, Paul Gallant.

Panelists include:
• Richard Sommer, dean of the University of Toronto’s John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
• Matthew Blackett, co-founder of Spacing magazine
• Dave Harvey, founder of Toronto Park People

To register online, go here. The Yonge Street Speakers Series is sponsored by the Toronto Community Foundation and Waterfront Toronto.
