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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. If someone isn’t willing to put in the effort to get out and find out how to be a candidate, they aren’t likely to get many votes in the election.

  2. If you want to look at how to improve engagement in Toronto, start with the list of voters and the enumeration process. MPAC does a woeful job at this important step of the process and there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that many who aren’t on the list ever receive a form to be placed on the list. And if they were to receive it they would most often confuse it with something intended for their landlord.

    If you buy or own a home, it’s probably doing an adequate job, although I wouldn’t be the farm on that. If you’re a tenant and not actively engaged, you’d probably never even know you were missing your opportunity to participate.

    Sure, you can still show up on the day and vote with a little paperwork, but it sends an awful message that we can’t be bothered to even try to get an accurate list and notify everyone when and where to vote.

  3. It would have been better if the federal, provincial, and municipal were all held at the same time and place, instead of scattered around as it is now.