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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

York U Cities Institute free lecture by Shawn Micallef Friday: How to fall in love with your city, while avoiding a culture war

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What: Free public lecture hosted by the City Institute of York University

Where: York University, Room 140, HNES Building

When: Friday, March 30th 2:30PM – 4PM

Our Senior Editor Shawn Micallef will be giving a free public lecture this Friday called “How to fall in love with your city, while avoiding a culture war,” exploring ways and strategies we can avoid the politically motivated wedges being thrown between Torontonians and how we all can come around to falling in love with the whole city because, yes Virgina, we’re still allowed to love Toronto. Shawn may even propose repositioning the spiritual heart of Toronto at Yonge and Eglinton, from wherever it is now. If Torontopia 1.0 was love the old city of Toronto, Torontopia 2.0 is love the whole thing.

Photo by pink hat, red shoes.



  1. I’m a second year major in Urban Studies and second year rep for FUSS (Federation of Urban Studies Students), and this is the first I’ve heard of this. I’ll try and let as many of my fellow students know about this though.