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  1. People deterred from cycling by scare-mongering such as the Toronto Star headline are 8.3 times as likely to die from sedentary lifestyle diseases such as heart and lung disease, obesity and diabetes.

    OK, I just made up the 8.3 by yanking it out of thin air. But that’s a better methodology that the Star, because it looks at real risks and not the three times a very small number is still a very small number lying with statistics practiced by the Star.

  2. Hey Kevin I feel the same way. Wearing a seatbelt is scaremongering too, so now I drive without a seatbelt. Freedom! No Fear.

  3. Shawn, I will support mandatory helmet law whenever all bikes manufactured are equipped with built-in-fits-all helmet.

  4. Because Star was bring that up with the story and survey and everything. It seems to a recurring theme with Star. Also because I somehow remembered that you did support mandatory helmet law from an exchange between you and me a couple of years ago. Maybe I remembered it wrong. If you don’t, then great. 

  5. I don’t and never have.

    The Ontario Coroner suggested mandatory helmets – it’s not a Star theme.

  6. OK, must be me who remembered it wrong.

    Cannot agree with “this is not a Star theme” though. Fair-enough, Ontario coroner suggested it, and that was news-worthy. This is some guy did a not so rocket-science research, and guess what, he found that helmet reduces the risk of head injuries. Wow, that is big news! Not. Hundreds of various researches are published every week in academia, why does Star think this one is news-worthy? Oh of course, it is just handy to relate it back to the mandatory helmet thingy, isn’t it? Let us throw in a survey, great way for Star to add fuel to that debate, which should have died a silent death a long time ago.