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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Wonder if Councillors Vaughan and Davis and the rest of the left will apologize to Ford now that he has been cleared on the Bus issue and the Star, of all papers, has exposed that Ford’s Council attendance is far superior to Saint David’s and the attacks about the “absentee Mayor” were complete fabrication. The point being that they and everyone knew that his imperial majesty Miller had a terrible attendance record simply because his inflated ego dictated that he was too important a person to waste time on the mundane duties of government like controlling wasteful spending or making his public servant allies accountable. Ford is indeed a bungler but a Saint compared to Miller on any subject that includes a $sign.

  2. Hey Tripper: 

    Did you read the part that it was only Miller’s last 2 years? You know, when he was the chair of the global C40, going to Queen’s Park weekly to try to deal with Transit City.

    Comparing the last 2 years vs the first 2 years would be more accurate before casting stones.  

    And why Should Davis or Vaughan apologize when their attendance records are better than Ford’s? Ford doesn’t take part in council meetings other than just sit there. 

    And the assumption that Ford is better with money is laughable. Much more surpluses and transparency under Miller. Ford has no sense of what he’s doing. He’s more than a bungler — he’s a complete idiot. 

  3. The story is also comparing apple and oranges. The # of recorded votes during Miller’s time was inconsistent, whereas one good reform of Ford was to bring in recorded votes for everything (except speaking extensions that was a complete waste of time, that council finally eliminated). 

  4. I don’t like Ford… and I thought that while Miller may have had a compelling vision, he was less than a great mayor… but I wish people would stop pointing to Miller’s “surpluses”… which were basically achieved by basically depleting all reserve funds and amortizing the City’s debt over a longer period of time. Under Miller, servicing the City’s debt became the THIRD LARGEST EXPENDITURE. Only a fool or a partisan would call this a “surplus”.