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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing holiday & release party tonight!


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WHAT: Holiday & release party
WHEN: Tonight! 8pm until late
WHERE: The 3030 (3030 Dundas West in the Junction)
COST: Free! You get copy of the mag and raffle tickets for $10
SHARE: Spread the word about the event on Facebook

Spacing is set to release our Winter 2012/13 edition that focuses on the battle between the lives we live up high and life down low on the ground. Our contributors examine the such topics as high-rise farming, commercial heritage districts, the mid-rise building boom and opposition, and what the skyline could look like in 2020.

Come out to our party to celebrate the release of the new issue and the upcoming holiday season. We will have music (DJ Shirley Tempo will spin the tracks) and a whack of silent auction prizes to be won from our generous advertisers and sponsors.
