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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

How to Upholster a Tree Stump

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Tree Stump

Madelon Galland reports on his Tree Stump project in SuperNaturale. I remember seeing one of the stumps last time I was in New York and always wondered what the story was:

The STUMP project began in 1999 on the sidewalks of New York City — the sidewalk plots where there are tree stumps are generally neglected spaces left to collect debris. The tree stumps reminded me of the childhood story, The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein, in which a tree has given of herself to the point of being diminished to a stump, but selflessly perks herself up to give to the last, by providing a seat for the beloved boy who is now an aged man.


One comment

  1. Don’t forget to trim it’s nails and buff the sides while you’re at it.

    That’s a good idea though! Well done