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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Pledge TO Green

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On Saturday, October 14 in Toronto’s City Hall council chamber it will focus on the Environment and the upcoming municipal election. Post Carbon Toronto and the East Toronto Climate Action Group are holding a non-partisan political event in the hopes of leveraging the election in order to bring a reinvigorated focus to Toronto’s official Environmental Plan (officially adopted and subsequently orphaned.)

They are asking every candidate to Pledge TO Green. will keep track of all of the candidates that have pledged to green.

The doors open at 11:30 a.m. and presentations start at noon sharp. A full is expected so arrive early in order to ensure yourself a seat.

The speakers will be:
• Peter Tabuns former exec direc of Greenpeace, city councillor and today Ontario MPP.
• Elizabeth May: Author, Sierra Club, Order of Canada, leader of Green Party Canada
• Franz Hartmann: at the center of the creation of Toronto’s EP & U of T prof.
• Greg Allen: “the Amory Lovins of the North”, co-authored energy part of Toronto’s EP
• Richard Gilbert: Author, city councillor for 15 years, sustainable transportation expert, author of a city of Hamilton plan.
• Keith Stewart: Author, WWF, Toronto Environmental Alliance, LIEN, and PhD in the environment and comedy.
• Debbie Fields: Exec Direc Food Share
• Kevin Mercer: Founder of Riversides and water issues advocate.

NOTE: Spacing will be there selling magazines

photo by Bouke Salverda
