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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Toronto’s Rebelmayor was lurking in the Spacing henhouse


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If you’re on twitter and you follow Toronto politics you’ve probably already heard the news: our Senior Editor Shawn Micallef was the person behind the anonymous satirical twitter account @rebelmayor. It was a surprise to all of us, as Shawn didn’t tell anybody in the Spacing office. For those that weren’t following along on Twitter here’s the deal: Toronto’s first mayor and the guy behing the Rebellion of 1837, William Lyon Mackenzie, returned from the 1800s and ran for mayor in 2010. Since last November, @rebelmayor has been tweeting his way around Toronto on what has ultimately been a losing “write-in” campaign. Read the Globe and Mail and Torontoist stories on Shawn & Rebelmayor for the low down.



  1. Anyone remember the Art vs Art Mayoral Campaign?

  2. I do. I avoid twitter during elections, thats when it is most unreliable.

  3. Thanks Shawn for bringing something special to this otherwise depressing and demoralizing campaign.

  4. William Lyon Mackenzie served only one one-year term as Mayor, after being selected by the rest of city council. Ah, for the good old days.