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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing on CP24 @ 9pm


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Former CityTV journalist Adam Vaughan, who now represents Trinity-Spadina as a city councillor, is again hosting Hour Town starting tonight (9-10pm on CP24). Spacing publisher Matthew Blackett will be on the show tonight talking about blogging Toronto and promoting our film night Public Space Invaders.

photo by Funkaoshi on Flickr



  1. It will be good to have Adam Vaughan back on air – but is he allowed to talk about the realpolitk at City Hall?

    Is that Himy in the photo with Vaughan.

  2. I’d like to call attention to something. Adam Vaughan does not represent “Trinity-Spadina”. That is a federal and provincial riding. He represents Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina. There’s also Ward 19 Trinity-Spadina, the other half of the riding, which is represented by Joe Pantalone.

    This distinction may not seem like a big deal to some, but so many people are confused about who represents them at city council, and it doesn’t help to say that a whole riding (again, a federal and provincial electoral boundary) is represented by one city councillor. Half the residents of Trinity-Spadina do not have Adam Vaughan representing them.

  3. I understand the confusion Jennifer which is why I’ll be happy when they rechange the naming conventions at the City. I believe they’re considering this very soon.

  4. Yes that’s Himy Syed. It’s from an Active 18 hosted panel discussion they were both at a while ago. The rest of the photos are here:

    (Does Spacing normally use photos found online with out asking the photographer for permission first? Not that I care at all, but I imagine someone who objects to the content of your site wouldn’t want their photo used in an article posted here.)

  5. Maybe something other than three and three-quarters’ advance notice could be given next time. That’s quite apart from the propriety of an elected official hosting a chat show. I thought Adam Vaughan *gave up TV* to become a city councillor.

  6. We were only asked yesterday in the morning.

    The show seemed to be different than before. Adam facilitated discussion, slightly guided it. Much less editorializing.