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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Saturday: Studentification, Trash Entrepreneurs and Black History Month

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Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region.

Devin Alfro speaks to the intricate concerns surrounding plans for a second campus of UdeM in Outremont including the concern over Studentification in the currently affordable areas of the nearby Parc Extension neighbourhood.

Alanah Heffez shares and provides context for some incredible photography she took while flying out of the city on a winter morning.

In the wake of a highly publicized video of an OC Transpo driver verbally berating a passenger, Spacing points to numerous examples of excellent service to highlight that this once incident does not speak to the performance of transit workers across the city.

In a nod to black history month Francesco Corsaro speaks to two people with ties to different waves of black immigrants to Ottawa including some who came from the U.S. in the late 19th century and others who came from the Caribbean during the 1960’s.

The Halifax Regional Municipality is looking for a new design for municipal bike racks. Spacing profiles the launch of the design contest. 

Spacing Atlantic is home to an ever evolving collection of great photography from across the urban areas of the maritimes. The Atlantic Snapshots series continued this week with shots of Saint John and the Confederation Bridge.

Jessica Lemieux takes an interesting look at the issue of trash by highlighting the entrepreneurial activities of dumpster divers in Toronto, their ethical considerations and the interaction of the City in this urban closed cycle activity.

The Head Space feature this week sat down with architect Michael McClelland of E.R.A Architects to discuss the state of heritage preservation efforts in Toronto.

Photo by Sean Feagan



  1. I was just about to ask the same thing. (about the photo)