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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Open Cities Toronto 2007

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Here’s a stimulating event for the weekend:

Open Cities Toronto 2007 is a weekend-long web of conversation and celebration that asks: how do we collaboratively add more open to the urban landscape we share? What happens when people working on open source, public space, open content, mash up art, and open business work together?

It starts with an “unconference” on Saturday June 23, 9-6, at the Centre for Social Innovation (215 Spadina), followed by a BBQ at Fort York that evening, and a tie-in to P.S. Kensington on Sunday.

Visit the Open Cities website for more info.


One comment

  1. They’ve done a rather poor job of explaining what the hell this thing is, how it is or is not a *Camp of some kind, how it is or is not like LogoCities, and why one would want to go. For a whole day. To talk about open cities with the converted.