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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. I’m really enjoying the Sun headlines this week: “Recycling jammed down our throats”.

    If there’s a universal truth about garbage, it’s that people love their blue boxes. Not always enough to understand what happens to the stuff after it leaves the curb, but they love putting it in the box.

  2. Once again, the Globe is blocking your links with advertisements for subscriptions.

    Unless Spacing Wire is earning ad revenue from the Globe, it should cease linking to these ads.

    On the new garbage collection fee, we can now expect our taxes to decrease by the amount that they were raised to pay for garbage collection, right? Right?

  3. The new garbage collection fee really does not compensate those who compost and are avid recyclers, it just penalizes those that create too much garbage (which I agree). If you are able to only use one bag every 2 weeks then you should see a decrease in your taxes, if you are at 2 then the cost should be neutral if you are using more than 3 bags then you should pay and the more bags you put out the more each extra bag should cost. This is just a tax hike, if it weren’t then it would be revenue neutral. I am embarrassed that a newspaper like the Sun puts the name Toronto ahead of its title… I don’t need to have recycling jammed down my throat, I do it because it is the right thing to do. The Sun is all about individual rights and nothing about individual obligations.
    For those who do not care about their garbage then I am all for jamming recycling down their inconsiderate throats.

  4. There was also a reasonable story in the Star about the increased numbers of trees down with the more extreme events we’re experiencing, and most unusual for the mass tedia, a bit of exploration of climate change as underlying these increased events. I’m being lazy and not looking at all of the headlines nor doing the click-work to get the story but hey