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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Walking consultation #2

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The City of Toronto is holding its second public consultation meeting to get citizen input into its development of a Walking Strategy for the city of Toronto. The Walking Strategy is a project with great potential to make a big difference for anyone who walks in Toronto, so I encourage people to come out. The meeting will include both presentations from a couple of interesting experts, and also lots of opportunity for members of the public to provide their insight and advice.

The second workshop in this series focuses on the relationship between urban design and walking and will take place:

Monday, July 9, 2007 at
Northern District Library – Room 200
40 Orchard View Blvd. (near Yonge/Eglinton)
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The evening will start off with brief talks from urban design and architectural professionals Leo deSorcy (City of Toronto) and John van Nostrand (architectsAlliance) on their experiences with designing walkable spaces and places. The rest of the evening will be devoted to getting your ideas on this topic to help shape an exciting vision of walking in Toronto.

For more information about the event
call 416-392-7200 or

photo by Adam Krawesky
