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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Reading that article about the garden razing, my sympathy for the woman starts dissipating. “I covered the dead raccoon in mulch,” she sez. WTF, lady?

  2. ^It’s true — like most hippies I’ve known, the good they do sometimes gets carried away, and goes to gross extremes, which are natural, sure, but ya, WTF lady. Reminds me of natural birth hippies who go and (sorry for those sensitive sensibilities out there, but it’s true) make placenta casseroles and eat it.

  3. If there is a dead bird in my tree on my front yard I hope Mr. Blakes from the City doesnt chop it down. This could have been handled in a better way without destroying all of her plants. What a waste.

  4. like most controversial stories, both sides appear at fault. the woman needs to work with her neighbours and the city to make a natural garden that other people can enjoy. that includes removing dead animals. city bureaucracy needs to get more responsive, better at communicating with homeowners, and more creative in encouraging environmental and social responsibility. if someone had taken the time to try a mediation approach, i bet the outcome of this story would have been much different (and happier).

  5. Torontoist’s poll made the National Post!!

  6. The poll was posted to Boingboing as well, which probably has higher readership than the Post. I’m not sure whether embarrassing the TTC by redoing their survey will help the cause of transit funding. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Denzils on council waving the ‘ist survey around as “another example of TTC mismanagement” and totally ignoring anything either survey says about the need for good transit.