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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


One comment

  1. you can tell there is an election when everybody promises to buy us with our own money. I feel this city will start passing tax after tax after tax and even then we will find that at the end of four years we will be at least 1 billion dollars in debt.This council will never learn a lesson, and any provincial party doesn’t get it(or should I say they really don’t want to say).I experienced this during the municipal election, the story was clear from the toronto ndp party, there was no financial problems and there would only be a cost of living property tax hike.Well the three parties sound like they are going down the same road. I guess they figure that it is easy to fool the taxpayers of this city.If this city votes ndp well then that message speaks for itself, this city is full of……

    ok I’ll leave it I’m off to the election and it’s time to go door to door to go through it all again.I hope the people have learned their lesson.