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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Time lapse Toronto

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video by Reboot Your Computer

I have a weak spot for time lapse videos. It may have to do with me living on the 24th floor overlooking Lake Ontario — I get to watch things like rain and snow storms roll in from the west. Often I wish I had a video camera to capture the amazing changes that happen as a storm approaches.

I stumbled upon a few great time lapse videos on YouTube that capture unique and simple moments in Toronto. The beauty displayed in the video above, by user Reboot Your Computer, somehow makes me feel a little easier about the impending snow storm that is supposed to hit Toronto by Sunday.


by Ben Quid


by Dave Laird


by Trojan Fun



  1. I take it you love Koyaanisqatsi? I do too!

    If anyone hasn’t heard of the movie, it’s worth checking out.