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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing release party photos

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Spacing’s spring 2008 issue release party at the Gladstone Hotel Sunday evening was a lot of fun and attracted over 200 people throughout the night. Yvonne Bambrick, who runs the floor of the Centre for Social Innovation where Spacing has an office, took a handful of great photos to show readers what you missed.

That’s Spacing’s new intern Matthew Hauge and daily headline blogger Monika Warzecha working the door.

Spacing’s Lindsay Gibb (front of mag editor) and Leah Sandals (books and arts editor) working the merchandise table.

Guests were treated to the “Need For Speed” Wii video game on the Gladstone’s big screen.

Elena Bird of Toronto Culture; Howie Chong (middle) of CarbonZero; Adam Giambrone (second from right) TTC Chair and city councillor; Marty Collier (far right) bike activist.

Kevin and Lori from Newmindspace. Check out the subway map hoodie on Kevin!

Folks watching the video “My Trip to Liberty City” short by Jim Munroe.

Spacing’s Matthew Blackett (publisher) and Friends of Fort York Chair Stephen Otto.

DJs for the night Paul Issac and Dave Morris of Track Meet.

The editorial team of Dandyhorse, Toronto’s bike mag launching this year.

Christine Atkinson (formerly of CBC Radio’s “Upfront”) and Ron Nurwisah (National Post copy editor and blogger).



  1. Yes. Yes I am. And I can’t believe I’m still here covering the Indiana primary

  2. Hi!

    Can someone let me know where “Kevin” from the “Kevin and Lori from Newmindspace. Check out the subway map hoodie on Kevin!” photo…

    Where did he get his hoodie?!?!?

    Thanks sooo Much!!!