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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Riverside WALKfest this Saturday October 20th — lots of walks, one with Spacing’s Shawn Micallef


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It’s a great weekend for walking in Toronto, especially in around Queen Street East and the Riverside neighbourhood. This Saturday is WALKfest (with one additional Halloween walk the following Saturday) sponsored by the area BIA, and includes a walk co-led by our Shawn Micallef. See below for more information from the Riverside BIA. Check the eventbrite listing for start location and availability.


Dog Walk – (Oct 20 – 10:00 am) Get fit & Romp around with your 4 legged friends. Led by: Fit Dogs, offering real exercise on country trail runs and in our indoor pond on Broadview Ave.

Culinary Walk – (Oct 20 – 11: 00 am) A moveable feast in all things culinary, highlighting east side good eats.  Led by: Scott Savoie from Culinary Adventure


Dance Walk – (Oct 20 – noon)Dance down Queen Street East in your own groovy way Led by:  Dance Walk Toronto,  spreading positive vibes and joy around the streets of Toronto through Dance Walking.

Design Walk – (Oct 20 – 1:00 pm) Discover the rich design scene and visit behind the scenes workrooms. Led by: Covet Garden, Toronto’s wildly popular on-line design magazine.

Inside and Outback: Then and Now of Riverside Walk – (Oct 20 – 2:00 pm) Jane’s Walk is a community partner with this walk will showcase the Riverside’s extraordinary architecture, history, and development.  Led by:  Shawn Micallef, Spacing Magazine’s senior editor and walkability advocate; and Ron Fletcher, Over the Don author and historical walk aficionado.

Art Walk – (Oct 20) The Street becomes a gallery on this walk.  Led by: Russell Brohier –  Executive Director of the Riverside’s Artists’ Network.


Oct 27th – Kiddie Halloween Party : Kids have a full day of Halloween fun on the Riverside.

For more information please visit:

Photo by sssteve.o
