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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Good articles from the Star & NOW

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Some recent articles in the Star are worth posting about:

1. The City wants to crack down on vehicles idling.
2. Royson James writes about the need for money to be put into the social services of this city, not just its culutral landmarks.
3. Christopher Hume asks Toronto to think big — like Tokyo.
4. Toronto has an archeology master plan — and its at work at Baby Point in the Bloor and Jane area.

Over at NOW, they have three great features in this week’s issue:

1. Mike Smith explores the street furniture process the City is currently undertaking. He seems rather skeptical.
2. With the announcement that Toronto Hyrdo wants to blanket the city in low-cost WiFi, there are health concerns about what wireless technology may pose to Toronto residents.
3. A west-side bike path and trail are in the works, but its future remains hazy as it is tied up in (surprise!) political and bureaucratic wrangling.
