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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Trellis: Constructions for Growth

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March 18 to April 8, 2006, Opening March 18, 2 – 5
DYAN MARIE PROJECTS, 1444 Dupont Unit 31
Gallery Hours Saturdays 1 – 5 and by appointment

Janet Rosenberg, John McKinnon, Douglas Walker, Mike Murphy, and Napoleon Brousseau acknowledge the city’s fragile green space and present works imagining ways to contribute support.

Janet Rosenberg, Landscape Architect: Ideas for parks and gardens. Janet Rosenberg runs one of Canada’s leading landscape architecture firms and has produced innovative landscape ideas that focus on what is possible and direct what should be done.
John McKinnon, Public art artist: Trellis drawings and model. John McKinnon, a founding member of Mercer Union Gallery has produced numerous public art works including ” Views to the City” located in the Toronto City Hall, “Boney Bus” at the TTC Downsview Station the and “Gardiner Expressway East Dismantling Project”.
Douglas Walker, Painter: Landscape painting. Walker’s paintings explode the idea of the brush stroke to produce images of plants held up by armatures. They are landscapes to dream into.
Mike Murphy, Sculptor: Various objects combined to support life. Plastic, wires, coloured mirrors, pipe cleaners and other sundry materials are used to make sculptures seemingly as temporary and fragile as the plant life they propose to support. Saturday, April 8th 2:00 at Dyan Marie Projects, Mike Murphy and Gord High will perform “CLOCKDINNER”: some sonic aspects of cooking purple vegetables.
Napoleon Brousseau and the Seed Collective, Digital media artists: Grow a tree with your cell phone – an interactive work that everyone can participate in. Saturday, April 1st 2:00 at Dyan Marie Projects, Napoleon Brousseau, Galen Scorer and Gabe Sawhney of the Seed Collective will give an artist talk and presentation on their work.
