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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

World Wide Wednesday: Bike lanes in Saskatoon, open data and how food shapes our cities

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Each week we will be focusing on blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside the country that approach themes related to urban experiences and issues in Toronto.

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• Toronto cyclists aren’t the only ones finding inventive ways of showing gratitude ; last month Saskatoon cyclists took part in a mass bike ride to thank the city for the installation of new bike lanes.

• The New York Times Automobile Section looks at a new and growing trend in automobile use– not using cars.

•  A fascinating talk by Carolyn Steel (architect and author of “Hungry City”) about “How Food Shapes our Cities” is now showing on TED.

• The Planetizen Blog looks at the initiatives in cities around the world to make urban data more accessible and city government’s more transparent. This topic is especially poignant for Torontonians as Mayors Miller announced this April the city’s intention to launch Toronto’s open data website.

• Over at the Project for Public Spaces Blog, Gary Toth discusses America’s transportation future and how to plan sustainable and effective transit systems.
