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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SPACING presents: Photogrammetry

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Spacing is happy to have hooked up with the Harbourfront Centre and Digifest to present a photo installation called Photogrammentry down by the water’s edge. Starting Friday and running through to July 9th, this ever-changing photo installation showcases the work of Spacing photo contributors and internationally-known Toronto photo bloggers Sam Javanrouh, Matt O’Sullivan, Gayla Trail and Davin Risk. The installation is an active public space exhibition of urban photography. The images can be seen in the window display at the Service Canada building at the Harbourfront Centre. We’re grateful for the support from PIKTO photo lab.

Come to the opening tonight from 7-9pm at the Harbourfront Centre. (Hopefully we’ll get a break from the rain)

photo by Sam Javanrouh
