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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Interesting City Bits

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Here are a few delighful bits of the city to watch out for on summer walks.

Subway Mural

Mural of subway train, on Richmond west of Spadina

I found this great mural of a subway train along Richmond Street west of Bathurst. It seemed an appropriate posting in light of Spacing’s latest issue on transit. I particularly like the way that the pipe is used as the frame for the mural.

Caution: watch for hula-hoops

This funny variation on a pedestrian sign can be found on the east side of Spadina Crescent, just north of College.

The orphan parking lot

Orphaned parking lot

This parking lot is completely orphaned — there is no vehicular access to it, it will never see another car. It can be found off a courtyard behind the new Leslie Dan Pharmacy building on the University of Toronto campus at College and University. The construction of the new building created the orphaned space by cutting off a laneway. Perhaps it provides some kind of positive symbolism.



  1. They pass out the hula hoop stickers at String Cheese Incident concerts.