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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Walking Philosophy

    Pedestrians will take the shortest available route where they need to go. And there’s really no reason why they shouldn’t be able...

  • Birds vs. Boards and Other News

    TTC streetcars are flying little Canadian flags off their back wires this weekend. I find this a charming little touch. NOW has an interesting article...

  • New Way to Colour the City

    Apparently the latest in random city beautification techniques is LED throwies, LED lights taped together with a battery and a magnet which can then be...

  • Ad Blights Park

    In Spacing Issue 5, I wrote about how my local park, St. Andrew’s, has recently been revitalized. I went there to eat lunch today, and I was happy...

  • Fold-Out Guide to Toronto’s Downtown Heritage

      The City of Toronto’s Heritage Preservation Services publishes a really attractive fold-out guide map to Toronto’s Downtown Heritage...

  • Kudos: Pedestrian Countdown Conversion

      We give the City a lot of grief, often for good reason, so I think it is important to acknowledge when the City does something well. Recently, the city...

  • Under Bathurst Bridge

    In the most recent issue of Spacing, David Fontaine wrote about the view of Fort York from under the Bathurst Street Bridge, the closest approximation of...

  • Montreal Considers a Pedestrian Charter

    The City of Montreal is considering adopting a Pedestrian Charter (Toronto was the first North American city to adopt one, in 2002). Unlike...

  • The Impacts of Traffic on Health

    The City of Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health released a damning report in March on “The Impacts of Traffic on Health”. The report is...

  • Cycling Goes Suburbs

    Encouraging news — the City of Markham is developing a cycling plan, including transportation as well as recreation. And it’s going to be...

  • Sprawl from Space

      Two University of Toronto profs and some others have studied the spread of urban sprawl in the late 20th century by creating composite satellite maps of...

  • Pressure from West-end Waterfront residents working on Watson

    In April, the Spacing Wire reported on a plan to turn some waterfront parkland near the newly renovated Palais Royale into a parking lot. The Parkdale...