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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Spacing wins National Magazine Award

    Spacing is excited to share some good news: on Friday evening, the magazine captured a gold medal in Best Editorial Package at the 2005 Canadian National...

  • Pooling for Rooftop Solar

    Spacing editor Leah Sandals reports: As reported in the Star today, consortiums of Toronto homeowners are pooling together to mass-purchase and install...

  • Some of the news that is fit to print…

    In today’s Globe Toronto section, there are two articles of note, indirectly or directly related to things that sometimes are noted on this wire...

  • Rooftop gardens lecture

    Wednesday, May 17th 7:15 pm Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave (1 block south of Bloor/St. George), University of Toronto The Rooftop Gardening Project is an...

  • Montreal’s duct tape thugs and bike parking spots

    A dispatch from Spacing public art editor Leah Sandals: Kalisse de tabernac! I went to Montreal last weekend and witnessed a kind of recent addition to...

  • The Independent City

    Our friends at Broken Pencil magazine, the Canadian indie culture standard bearer, are launching their new issue tonight with a little panel discussion at...

  • Mumbai Makes Do

    In conjunction with Spacing’s new transit-themed issue, we will be publishing transit-related stories on our web site over the upcoming weeks. The...

  • New mobility hub launched today!

    The New Mobility HUB Launch at Exhibition Place Tuesday, April 25, 8:30 – 10 am From the Bike Toronto website: The City of Toronto will be getting...

  • SPACING: new issue release party May 2nd

    Spacing Release Party When: Tuesday, May 2nd, doors 8pm Where: Gladstone Hotel • 1214 Queen Street West Who: DJ Chris Thinn How much: $10 includes...

  • Bike Share Program in Lyon, France

    Spacing contributor Anjali Mishra writes to us about a comprehensive Bike Share program in Lyon, France. “The bike sharing programme in Lyon leaves...

  • The Beach or The Beaches?

    The Beach or The Beaches? by Josh Hume An old civic-pride controversy is flaring up again in Toronto’s east end. The Beaches Business Improvement...

  • Spacing buttons + anagram map in Eye and Now this week

    It was nice to see both Eye Weekly and NOW cover the silliness of the TTC’s cease and desist letter to RobotJohnny and his anagram subway station...