By John Lorinc
LORINC: What’s the big idea behind Housing Now?
John Tory’s executive committee convenes today to consider, among other items, the fleshed out implementation strategy for the first phase of his Housing...
LORINC: How reducing development charges will spur the ‘missing middle’
While city council tries to figure out how to confront a made-in-Toronto housing affordability crisis, Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government has...
LORINC: Will this council actually fix Toronto’s housing crisis?
If you did the blink test on last fall’s municipal election (disregarding all the static created by Doug Ford’s intervention), it would be fair to say the...
LORINC: Subway upload: negotiating when you have no cards in your hand
As has been widely noted, the Ford government’s approach to nearly everything has a kind of malevolent Bozo-the-clown vibe, with an emerging record of...
LORINC: Throwing out the baby with the harbour water?
The long-awaited auditor general’s report on Waterfront Toronto (WT), released yesterday, is really two evaluations for the price of one. Part of the...
ELECTION: What we didn’t talk about
An old aphorism about elections attributed to former Canadian prime minister Kim Campbell is that the campaign trail is no place for thoughtful debate...
ELECTION: John Tory’s shameful fiscal record
During his years out of office – between the end of his stint as the leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives and his victory in the 2014 mayoral...
LORINC: Keesmaat latest candidate to dream of a Gardiner-free future
If the City of Toronto has an evergreen municipal election issue — besides our ritualistic self-flagellation about transit — it has got to be the fate of...
LORINC: Debating on the fringe
All of a sudden, Toronto’s spectral mayoral race has turned into a fringe festival. Seemingly out of the blue (though not actually), candidates Sarah...
LORINC: What would Jane Jacobs do in these trying times?
My favorite item of clothing is a black t-shirt emblazoned with a trenchant question: “What Would Jane Jacobs Do?” I have an entirely forgettable...
LORINC: The notwithstanding chaos of Doug Ford
Pardon my language, but what a fucking mess. Over the weekend, I was trying to develop a column examining why this municipal race – the seventh I’ve...
LORINC: What does ‘effective representation’ look like at city hall?
Sometimes, good things happen for all the wrong reasons, and the hearing for the various challenges to the Tories’ bill to slash the size of Toronto...