By John Lorinc
LORINC: Tearing down Gardiner East is all in the numbers
Does the melodrama over the projected two- to ten-minute delay that may occur due to the removal of the lower portion of the Gardiner resemble a farce...
PARKS CRISIS conclusion: 10 ideas to help solve Toronto’s parks acquisition crisis
In May 2014, council gave the city’s planning team the green light to embark on a three-year planning exercise, branded TOCore, that’s meant to figure out...
PARKS IN CRISIS part 4: A tale of two parks
By John Lorinc and Alex Steep Over the past few years, the city has seen a handful of examples of park construction that offer impressive illustrations of...
PARKS IN CRISIS part 3: The perils of cash-in-lieu
By John Lorinc and Alex Steep At its final meeting of the fractious 2010-2014 term, City Council gave its blessing to what will become one of the few new...
PARKS IN CRISIS sidebar: How Section 42 works
Under Section 42 of the Ontario planning act, municipalities can ask developers to dedicate land or cash for the purposes of creating new parkland. The...
PARKS IN CRISIS part 2: How the money flows
By John Lorinc and Kimberley Noble The information shouldn’t come as a surprise, but the numbers are nonetheless startling. According to data obtained by...
PARKS IN CRISIS part 1: All built up and no place to go
By John Lorinc and Alex Steep At a raucous public meeting about the future of Bickford Park last year, emotions ran high. Some residents wanted to remove...
LORINC: I’m feeling crabby about the Ferry Terminal competition
Maybe it’s the unending winter, but the five short-listed submissions for re-designing the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal/Harbour Square Park site — made...
What the Spadina subway overrun means for Scarborough, pt. 2
EDITOR’S NOTE: Read part one of this series published yesterday When private firms invest in new equipment, the managers must pay close attention to...
What the Spadina subway overrun means for Scarborough, pt. 1
Parents: hide your children! Apparently, Mayor John Tory is in a state of high dudgeon over the reported (but as yet unconfirmed) $400 million overrun on...
LORINC: This ice isn’t transparent
Here’s my question about last week’s deal to have two private firms ante up funds to keep some of the City’s rinks open: Is there any kind of firewall...
The Scarborough Subway and Smart Track are about to collide
Anyone who thinks they can read between the lines of the two sets of council votes this week — about the Scarborough subway and Smart Track — should...