By John Lorinc
LORINC: Forgetful Ford gets his day in court
When the lawyers, the press, and the idly curious take their places in a University Avenue courtroom this morning, all eyes will be on the unprecedented...
LORINC: Conflicting accounts of Ford’s declarations of conflict
In Monday’s Globe and Mail, my colleague Kelly Grant reported that Mayor Rob Ford, during a deposition involving the pending conflict of interest...
LORINC: What should be on the new chief planner’s to-do list
Progressive Toronto was feeling pretty darn good about its collective self last week when the City revealed it would be hiring the poised planning...
LORINC: Could transit construction prevent another Danzig?
Mayor Rob Ford, a man spectacularly unsuited for the crisis that opened beneath his feet last week, committed so many gaffes after the Danzig shooting...
LORINC: Is there a chance for OneCity 2.0?
Are we in the midst of a golden age of transit construction in Toronto? I pose the question in complete seriousness to all the grim-faced fans of...
LORINC: Shelley Carroll’s case for patience on transit plan
Is Shelley Carroll merely pouting about not getting her fair share of the OneCity limelight, or does she have a legitimate critique of the much-lauded...
LORINC: The two solitudes of the One City transit plan
For my next party trick, I’m going to solve the stand-off between the Stintz/DeBaeremaeker One City faction and the Ontario Liberals in three easy...
LORINC: Welcome to the huburbs of Greater Toronto
An elegant little planning book is doing the rounds these days – an intriguing 123-page volume entitled “Huburbs: Transit and Urbanism in the...
LORINC: The case for Nenshi as federal Liberal leader
Will Bob Rae’s unexpected but sensible decision to withdraw from the Liberal leadership race pave the way for the second coming of Trudeau? I certainly...
LORINC: What We Talk About When We Talk About Guns
In the wake of the Eaton Centre shooting, The Sun’s Joe Warmington declared predictably that Toronto is “a dangerous city.” The rebuttals – statistical...
LORINC: Terrible Taxes and Other Ferry Tales
When Rob Ford revealed that he intends to move a motion to rename the Toronto island ferry docks in honour of Jack Layton, I’m guessing he wasn’t thinking...
LORINC: The Infrastructure That Dare Not Speak its Name
Could there be a more telling detail about the Ford administration’s pathologically perverse position on transit than the revelation, in Friday’s Globe...