By John Lorinc
LORINC: More travellin’ blues for Ford (Environics poll, pt. II)
While Christmas is a long way off, Mayor Rob Ford decided to dangle a shiny bauble in front the eyes of North York and Scarborough voters, pledging during...
LORINC: Throwing the Dice in 2014
If one follows the logic of this week’s casino rhetoric to its logical conclusion, it seems probable that the ballot question in 2014 will be this: Should...
LORINC: Where the TTC and Metrolinx can work together
In Saturday’s Globe and Mail, I wrote about a Markham councillor – a conservative, no less – who has a radically sensible notion: That Metrolinx and the...
LORINC: Is there an app to help Ford’s leadership skills?
Is there an app that would help Mayor Rob Ford figure out the transit file? Late Friday afternoon, the mayor’s office leaked the news that the city’s 2011...
LORINC: The perils of funding the future of transit in the GTA
It often seems that Greater Toronto is forever poised at the cusp of an ah-ha moment when it comes to creating a more sustainable and sensible...
SPACING-ENVIRONICS POLL: 74% of GTA support regional sales tax dedicated to transit
Greater Toronto residents would overwhelmingly support the concept of a Los Angeles-style regional sales tax dedicated to transit and infrastructure...
LORINC: Fixing the St. Clair “disaster”
The problem with the #StClairDisaster debate, so-called, is that the extreme rhetorical polarization whipped up by the brothers Ford precludes any...
LORINC: Federal budget off the rails on public transit
How many times, since Mayor Rob Ford took office, did we hear how his patrons in Ottawa would make subway dollars appear, both as a reward to the good...
LORINC: So you say you want a referendum?
Rob Ford’s truculent behaviour in the wake of last week’s council decision raises a question that is surely setting Dalton McGuinty’s teeth on edge: How...
LORINC: Mayor Ford fumbles for third time on transit
The Great Subway Battle of 2012™ was Mayor Rob Ford’s to lose, and he lost it with such single-mindedness and determination that this episode may well go...
LORINC: Is Ford ‘conflict of interest’ a crime or misdemeanor?
It’s time for everyone on the left to exhale. No judge is going to strip Mayor Rob Ford of his seat over his mystifying decision to speak during the Feb...
LORINC: Et tu, Doug Ford?
Toronto progressives owe Doug Ford a huge debt of gratitude because he and that perpetual motion machine beneath his nose did as much to save Transit City...