By John Lorinc
LORINC: The Consultation Follies or the Folly of Consultation?
In the wake of Thursday’s consultapalooza, numerous pundits delighted in observing that all but three of the 169 deputants who toughed out the epic...
LORINC: Feedback
Dear Mayor Ford, You invited Torontonians on Friday to let you know how they feel about the proposals arising from the Core Service Review. Here are some...
LORINC: Waiting for Plan B
At the risk of inviting abuse on the comment string, I found myself wondering last week whether Jarvis Street is the hill on which the left wants to die...
LORINC: See no evil
Here’s an awkward footnote to the latest gambit in Rob Ford’s campaign to undo everything his predecessor accomplished in office. Last week, the mayor’s...
LORINC: Maybe it doesn’t get better
There’s an arresting scene near the end of Milk, the superb biopic about San Francisco supervisor and gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk, in which Sean Penn...
LORINC: The long and winding tunnel
Mayor Rob Ford managed to suppress his allergy to media events on Friday by turning up to wax enthusiastic at the launch of Toronto’s four largest...
LORINC: The potential locked up in Pecaut Square
Earlier this year, Mayor Rob Ford re-dedicated the interstitial space next to Metro Hall as David Pecaut Square — a classy tribute to a classy guy, whose...
LORINC: Should he stay or should he go?
I can’t quite decide whether I’m appalled that Rob Ford blew off the Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference in Halifax or relieved that we were...
LORINC: What R.C. Harris Says to Rob Ford’s Toronto
One of the most famous stories about Roland Caldwell Harris, the longest-serving Toronto works commissioner, is that when he approved the design of the...
LORINC: Rob Ford’s Not-so-Excellent Week
Did Mayor Rob Ford move the pigskin towards his end zone last week? An average – which is to say marginally informed – voter might say the answer is an...
LORINC: No time for scapegoats
Late last week, word went ricocheting around progressive circles that Mayor Rob Ford’s office had leaned heavily on city clerk Ulli Watkiss not to appeal...
LORINC: following Ford’s campaign money trail
The three members of council’s compliance audit committee will convene Friday morning to consider item EA2.2, a.k.a. Ted Ho’s application to review Mayor...