By John Lorinc
LORINC: Let’s Play Ball with the Waterfront (Again)!
The brothers Ford launched a big boulder in the direction of Waterfront Toronto last week, first denigrating the agency’s efforts as a “boondoggle” and a...
LORINC: There’s a New Acronym in Town
If you haven’t already done so, best begin memorizing the sequence “T-T-I-L,” because those four little letters are going to start taking up a whole lot...
LORINC: Rob Ford’s house of glass and gravy
Anyone who’s followed Rob Ford’s political career know he’s got a quick trigger finger when it comes to hurling allegations of corruption at his council...
LORINC: Nada, zilch, bupkis from Ford on federal budget
Here’s a shocker: Save and except a two-line statement, the Mayor of Toronto had nothing whatsoever to say about the Conservative government’s Titanic...
LORINC: The gang of six swing votes
For anyone interested in the tectonics of the 2010-2014 council, last week’s tortured evening session – dedicated to the bloody business of rooting out...
LORINC: The Toronto Community Housing Conundrum
Lost amidst all the bleating about chocolates and pedicures and heads bouncing across Nathan Philips Square is a question I hope Jeff Griffiths, the...
LORINC: The Brothers Ford and their Trojan Horse
In the final innings of last week’s budget debate, there was a brief, and predictable, skirmish over a $3 million outlay for “consultants” who will be...
LORINC: Subways in the suburbs, a contrarian view
Between 1954 and 1980, Toronto built two subway lines with 62 stations and 55 km of track. Between 1980 and 2018, by which time the Spadina extension to...
LORINC: One Question for Adrienne Batra, Mayor Rob Ford’s press secretary
Dear Adrienne, I’m sorry to hear about the mayor’s health problems, and I hope he’s making a swift recovery. I thought you might like to know what’s been...
LORINC: Shilling for subways
According to the mayor’s, um, outgoing chief of staff Nick Kouvalis, the Rob Ford Uptown Express to Scarborough is expected to pull into the station any...
LORINC: Pucks, periods, and penalties: Triple Ps for new arenas?
When Giorgio Mammolitti mused last week that council should turn to public-private partnerships to develop new arenas, he was, I’m guessing, thinking...
LORINC: Questioning the ritual
Why are police funerals so off-putting? Before I try to answer the question, let me say that, like thousands of other Torontonians, I felt deeply saddened...